Fite Family

Saturday, February 10, 2007

First Soccer Game <---

Well I think that the title says it all - this was in fact the first soccer game this season. For anyone who did not already know, Christine volunteered to coach Kayla's indoor soccer team at the YMCA this year. So after a couple of practices I thought that it would be chaos the entire game - but guess what...
They did great!! Coach Christine (I love calling her that) should be very proud of her team, and I know that she is. Kayla had an awesome time. She really seems to enjoy playing indoor soccer.

I hope that everyone is doing well and is enjoying the cooler weather. I know that we are here in Nashville. Keep in touch - >David<


Anonymous Anonymous said...

How fun for Christine & Kayla to do together! That's awesome! :)

February 11, 2007 8:27 AM  

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