Fite Family

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Boy Scout Summer Camp -

We just returned from our Troop 436 summer camp this year at Boxwell BSA reservation. I have attached a slideshow of pictures taken on the trip. We had a blast fishing, swimming and many other things. Enjoy :)

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Avila Wedding -

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Soccer season comes to an end...

Today was the last game in Kaylas first soccer season. We have had a wonderful time with soccer, in both playing and coaching.

The team was great and pplayed very well together. We also had a wonderful time at a team party together. We ate more than we should have and talked about the season at Ryans buffet, and then had a pizza party after todays game and recieved our trophies. The team sponsors even got Christine and myself a plaque for being volunteer coaches.

We look forward to the next thing that any of the kids want join in, wether its football, soccer, baskettball, basket weaving, etc.

Talk to everyone soon -

David Posted by Picasa

Saturday, March 03, 2007

RC truckin...

Here is a shot of Darien securing the body on our new hobby. This is our Traaxxas T-Maxx that we purchased on Ebay last week, after doing some looking arounf locally for good deals.

Darien and myself have been talking about getting one of these RC gas Nitro powered monster trucks for years now. So our patience has paid off - and we are locing it already.

This things is made for speed and jumping, and even has a set of nice rims (Spinners that D loves) and some fat off road tires. We ran it so much today that we are running out of fuel for it, and will have to get more for the trip to San Antonio next week. I know that D is ready to bring this thing out a Granpas house and run it all day every day, and I am sure he will not be the only one wanting to play with it.

David Posted by Picasa

Trip to the zoo <--------

So we had ourselves a trip to the Nashville Zoo for aother fun visist with the animals. We met a freind (Jeff) there as well so that we could take picutes together (we are both into photography).

We had a great time checking out all of the exhibits. The animals did n ot really come out in full show into about an hour after we arrived, I guess they are not early risers. Infact for a Saturday things started off fairly slow in my opinion for the zoo. The good news there is that I got a great parking spot.. :)

We were able to get some good pictures of different animals while cruising through, I think the only thing that was not out for us was the Elephants and Giraffes. We got to see Paige's favorite, the Zebra's. We were also able to hang out in the petting zoo.

Well I will let things go at that, and talk to you later -


 Posted by Picasa

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Texas boy making snow angel... ;)

This small animation speaks for itself...


Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentines Day

So I had an awesome day today. Christine and kids snuck into my office today while I was out getting new tires for the car and had a feild day with baloons and glitter. They even had my boss call me and ask me to come to the office without having lunch to finish some big thing. I had lots of valentines cards and nice notes.

I think that everyone at work had a good time knowing that I was getting surprised. There were several folks in on it at work, including Glenn who took me to get the tires and was stalling me. Christine worked it all out with coordinating things with my associates and getting things layed out.

I know that the kids had an awesome time getting the desk setup for me - all in all a WONDERFUL day!!!!!

David Posted by Picasa

Monday, February 12, 2007

Chopper Boy -

I know that this looks awkward, but he says it gets great mileage.... ;)

David Posted by Picasa

Frozen Fountain -

I thought that I would share this picture with everyone because I think it looks cool. We were on our way home from Scouts one night when we saw this fountain in front of a bank. Of course being from Texas this was a sight to see, so we stopped and took some pictures.

That is all I have for now - Later

David Posted by Picasa