Fite Family

Sunday, January 21, 2007

I wanted to introduce the latest addition to the Fite family here in TN. His name is Sparky, and we adopted him at the age of 8 years old. He has a wonderful personality and enjoys playing ball with the kids. OK now all together on 3... 1...2...3... WELCOME SPARKY - Posted by Picasa

Scout Pyramid

This picture was taken this weekend at the Winter Camporee 2007. Here Darien and many other Boy Scouts earned their first aid merit badge. Another one down, 5 million to go ;) - After the area where we were learning about insects and snake bites and how to treat them, we had time to kill before moving to the next lesson. We were challenged to make a human pyramid and after a couple of tries, we were successful. You should recognize 2 faces on this one ;) - Hope you enjoy!! David Posted by Picasa